Our Goal
- Improve energy efficiency by 25% within 10 years (base year 2022)
SOU is home to a diverse array of buildings, each necessitating a unique approach to maintenance and upgrades. These structures are diligently managed by SOU’s Facilities Management and Planning Department, reflecting our dedication to sustainability by prioritizing resource conservation and eco-friendly operations. Initiatives such as lighting retrofits, occupancy sensors, and solar installations, which generate over 600,000 kWh annually, play a crucial role in our energy conservation and water-saving efforts. Our Sustainability Department works in unison with Facilities to guarantee optimal performance of all buildings in an environmentally responsible manner.

SOU’s LEED Certifications
SOU takes pride in its Lithia Motors Pavilion and adjacent Student Recreation Center, both of which have been honored with LEED Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. This accolade aligns them with a growing list of SOU facilities recognized for their sustainable features.
The U.S. Green Building Council, a prominent nonprofit organization, employs a comprehensive rating system that evaluates a building’s design, construction, and operational aspects concerning sustainability.
Opened in 2018, the Athletic Pavilion and Recreation Center complex were awarded all 68 points sought on the Green Building Council’s LEED checklist. The facility was commended for its stormwater capture and treatment capabilities, significant reductions in energy and water consumption, and construction practices that redirected over 75% of waste from landfills. For a glimpse of these state-of-the-art buildings, click here.
The Lithia Motors Pavilion and Student Recreation Center join RCC-SOU Higher Education Center in Medford (LEED Platinum), McLoughlin and Shasta Residence Halls, and The Hawk eating facility (all LEED Gold) as sustainable structures at SOU. The Science Building, which recently underwent renovations and expansions, is currently pursuing LEED Silver certification.
The Lithia Motors Pavilion and Student Recreation Center were highlighted for their inclusive bike infrastructure and electric vehicle charging stations. The facility incorporates lighting that safeguards night skies and wildlife and uses plumbing fixtures that result in a 39% reduction in water usage. Energy-saving measures have cut consumption by nearly 23%, and a rooftop solar installation offsets 10% of the facility’s annual electricity needs. Other commendable features include the utilization of sustainable lumber and recycled building materials, along with low-VOC-emitting paints and sealants.
SOU’s Better Climate Challenge
SOU is an active participant in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Better Climate Challenge (BCC), which calls upon organizations to establish substantial, portfolio-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. This initiative provides a valuable platform for peer interaction and access to technical assistance, fortifying our commitment to addressing climate change.
By joining the BCC, organizations pledge to work alongside DOE in reducing GHG emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) by at least 50% within a decade. In return, DOE offers technical support and avenues for sharing practical carbon reduction strategies.
SOU has pledged to:
- Reduce GHG emissions by 50% within ten years
- Attain a 25% reduction in energy intensity
Explore SOU’s commitment on our BCC page.
SOU’s Facilities Department
SOU’s Facilities Management and Planning Department takes on the essential task of maintaining all campus buildings. For more information, visit our Facilities page.
Sustainability at SOU
1250 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland, OR 97520