To assist SOU in remaining at the forefront of sustainability and to better coordinate and chronicle the many environmental enhancement activities in our region and on campus, the SOU Sustainability Council was established in April of 2007.
SOU Sustainability Council’s Mission
The mission of the Sustainability Council is to advise, encourage, and coordinate the operations, research, and campus culture of Southern Oregon University in a manner that is consistent with the values and practices of environmental stewardship and sustainability; promoting individual, institutional and community well-being.
From the President’s memo establishing the Council:
“The Sustainability Council will be a University-wide group appointed to (1) advise me and the Executive Council in matters relating to sustainability and environmental impact; (2) promote environmental stewardship; (3) coordinate efforts of individuals and groups on campus; and (4) educate the campus community about sustainable practices.
The charge of the Council is to: Lead through example by promoting the incorporation of environmental concerns in University decisions
Promote conservation of natural resources to the best of our ability and the creation of sustainable practices and programs on campus
Educate our community about the necessity of sustainable environmental practices and ecologically friendly economics
Identify and support research areas and topics for faculty and students
Build relationships with local governments, businesses, and local citizens in order to promote environmentally sound practices within the region
Know and understand local, national and international programs to ensure that our environmental practices and policies adhere to or exceed the global vision for a sustainable future.”
Sustainability Council’s Representation
The Sustainability Council is chaired by the Director of Sustainability with representation from across the campus. Staff, faculty, and students sit on the Sustainability Council to provide a wide range of voices. This includes representation from:
- Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Director of Sustainability
- Director of Student Activities and Stevenson Union
- Utilities department
- Environmental Science Faculty
- Business Faculty
- Housing department
- ASSOU student Director of Sustainability
- Three at Large Faculty/staff
- Three at Large Students
- Procurement Department
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Food and Dining
Sustainability at SOU
1250 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland, OR 97520