SOU Sustainable Stories and Events

Sustainable Landscape: SOU Bioswale
Did you know that SOU has a bioswale? A bioswale is a biofilter that collects and removes pollutants from a parking lot using natural elements similar to the way a wetland purifies water. Plants, rocks, soil, and microscopic organisms filter pollutants out of the water before it enters our streams.

Recycling at SOU 411
Did you know that recycling is one of the easiest and most accessible ways for you to reduce your carbon footprint? According to the EPA, recycling provides an annual benefit of 49.7 million metric tons of carbon equivalent emissions reduced! That is comparable to removing 39.4 million passenger cars from the road each year!

Sustainability Tip of the Month – Consider Your Cosmetics
We all use a variety of products on our bodies, be it shampoo, lotion, makeup or soap. Some of these products may be harmful to your health or the environment. Consider these tips to reduce the impacts of the products you use.

Campus Sustainability Month
SOU is proud to participate in Campus Sustainability Month throughout October. This annual event, hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), celebrates higher education sustainability achievements while raising awareness of the value of sustainability in higher education.

SOU Wins Climate Leadership Award
The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and Second Nature announced that Southern Oregon University (SOU) has won an Honorable Mention in the 2016 USGBC Climate Leadership Awards. SOU was a finalist in the competition last year. The new Honorable Mention award was given this year for the first time, and SOU and Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, TX were the recipients for four-year schools. Arizona State University was the top award winner in the category.

SOU Sells Carbon Credits
Southern Oregon University and two other state universities have sold more than $1 million dollars of carbon credits through the voluntary carbon offset market. The credits were produced through carbon-reducing activities and the funds will help finance and further carbon neutrality work on the campuses.

SOU and Mt. Ashland Partner in Service
As part of our annual SOU new Student Orientation, students will have the unique opportunity to volunteer with the Mt. Ashland Ski Area during a slope care day.
Sustainability at SOU
1250 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland, OR 97520